Wednesday 25 February 2015

health classes

yesterday and today i was in health class it was disturbing they told about puberty and how body parts grow better and we sweat more and we have wet dreams and have sperm in body parts and we also watched the girls video and there were eggs and periods it was weird

Wednesday 11 February 2015

IR essay

Title: The Secret of the fortune wookie Author: SPOILER :
In my Ir book the secret of the fortune wookie tommy and kellen are doing a case file about a new piece of oragami they are investigating but they have to know that they cannot believe everything they see

Friday 6 February 2015

chicken nugget warriors #8

we were entering a room full of lava on the floor and blocks to step on we just used burgers twin grappling hooks and climbed over to the next room and saw more lava chicken nuggets finally time to fight get in the gun burger but i thought it was the other way around get in NOW! Boom! burger did sword combat and frie kept shooting grenades like crazy to the next room there was a giant boulder behind us froe pocket vial NOW! burger grabbed on to the rope Grappling HOOK!!!! classic role play game maze oh no a lava nugget boss appered burger special attacks did 100 damage frie does combo bazooka move did 99 damage chicken nugget boss defeated left the role play game dungeon "i see you have made it" "Wha..." to be continued

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Chicken nugget warriors #7 shadow

 "why are you doing this sir" "im just merely testing them i dont get it you will i looked into the future and they will be elite warriors might even defeat chickreagon really? sure we will just test them and wait