Monday, 13 October 2014

Published Piece #1 Dog Down

We were going back from our grandmas house we got into our car.

"Hi mommy" I said.

 "Hey guys." my mom said. we were driving away we parked at our house "Kids I've got something to tell you" 

"What?!" we said "

Our dog Ginger-  is- DEAD."  

"WHAT NO NO NO that... CANT be TRUE!!"

 "I'm sorry she had blood on the brain she died at the hospital" 

[sniff] "..n...o you're" I said, 
Aria got out of the car crying I stayed in the car and kept on crying "N.....o N-N-N-O Stop I kept crying we drove to the hotel and I went to sleep...

Later, I remembered when my dog got stuck in our neighbors gate on the back side of my house ''Can you help, please?'' ''No.'' The woman said

  "Jerk" I thought i felt like a mouse I eventually got her out ''Yay” I thought I woke up

Normally we would go to our house to feed ginger and walk her but now that she was D...ead .... but…
I survived at least I had good times with ginger maybe one day I might have another pet and if I do I will love the pet just as much as ginger, if someone important in your life passed away do not worry you are not the only one

The End
(223 words)


  1. Good story. What does blood on the brain mean?

  2. This is a great story that proves that stories can be sad.


  3. What does blood on the brain mean, I want to know so can you ask an adult because it sound interesting.

  4. There Was Blood in her brain and it was causing Pressure on her Skull Thanks Kevyn and olivia for the nice comments-Dyson

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
